PETAK 13.10.2017.
VRATA 20 30h
Blackened Doom/Sludge/Deathdrone (Athens, USA) erofficial
Jucifer su dvočlani američki metal sludge band koji je izdao albume za Alternative Tentacles, Capricorn Records i Relapse Records, zajedno sa vlastitom izdavačkom kućom Nomadic Fortress Records. Članovi benda su Gazelle Amber Valentine na gitari i vokalu, dok je njen muž Edgar Livengood na bubnjevima. Jucifer je prepoznatljiv po ekstremnoj glasnoći u toku nastupa, i gigantskom zidu amplifikacije koji se koristi za Valentininu gitaru, kao i dihotomiji koja postoji između dosta snimljenog materijala i njihovih živih izvedbi. Takođe su prepoznatljivi po neprekidnoj turneji od sredine devedesetih. Godine 2000. Jucifer se preselio u kamp kućicu i postao potpuno “nomadski po prirodi”, preferirajući da konstantno putuju, živeći u svom vozilu za turneje, umjesto da prate uobičajenu praksu izdavanja albuma / putovanja / vremena kod kuće.Nakon odličnog nastupa u Kriterionu 2013., ovo će biti njihova druga svirka u Sarajevu.
Jucifer are a two piece American sludge metal band whose albums have been released by Alternative Tentacles, Capricorn Records, and Relapse Records along with their own imprint Nomadic Fortress Records. The band's members are Gazelle Amber Valentine on lead guitar and vocals, and her husband Edgar Livengood on drums. Jucifer is notable for the extreme volume at which they perform, and the gigantic wall of amplification used for Valentine's guitar, as well as the dichotomy that has existed between much of the recorded material and their live shows. They are also notable for incessant touring beginning in the mid-90's. In 2000 Jucifer moved into an RV and became completely “nomadic in nature”, preferring to tour constantly, living in their tour vehicle, rather than following the normal practice of album release/tour/time at home.After they visited Kriterion in 2013, this will be their second show in Sarajevo.
PETAK 13.10.2017.
VRATA 20 30h
Blackened Doom/Sludge/Deathdrone (Athens, USA)
Jucifer su dvočlani američki metal sludge band koji je izdao albume za Alternative Tentacles, Capricorn Records i Relapse Records, zajedno sa vlastitom izdavačkom kućom Nomadic Fortress Records. Članovi benda su Gazelle Amber Valentine na gitari i vokalu, dok je njen muž Edgar Livengood na bubnjevima. Jucifer je prepoznatljiv po ekstremnoj glasnoći u toku nastupa, i gigantskom zidu amplifikacije koji se koristi za Valentininu gitaru, kao i dihotomiji koja postoji između dosta snimljenog materijala i njihovih živih izvedbi. Takođe su prepoznatljivi po neprekidnoj turneji od sredine devedesetih. Godine 2000. Jucifer se preselio u kamp kućicu i postao potpuno “nomadski po prirodi”, preferirajući da konstantno putuju, živeći u svom vozilu za turneje, umjesto da prate uobičajenu praksu izdavanja albuma / putovanja / vremena kod kuće.Nakon odličnog nastupa u Kriterionu 2013., ovo će biti njihova druga svirka u Sarajevu.
Jucifer are a two piece American sludge metal band whose albums have been released by Alternative Tentacles, Capricorn Records, and Relapse Records along with their own imprint Nomadic Fortress Records. The band's members are Gazelle Amber Valentine on lead guitar and vocals, and her husband Edgar Livengood on drums. Jucifer is notable for the extreme volume at which they perform, and the gigantic wall of amplification used for Valentine's guitar, as well as the dichotomy that has existed between much of the recorded material and their live shows. They are also notable for incessant touring beginning in the mid-90's. In 2000 Jucifer moved into an RV and became completely “nomadic in nature”, preferring to tour constantly, living in their tour vehicle, rather than following the normal practice of album release/tour/time at home.After they visited Kriterion in 2013, this will be their second show in Sarajevo.

Bulls On Parade – Rage Against the Machine tribute
Subota 11.11.2017.
Underground Club Sarajevo
“Anger is a gift” – rekao je Zack. Ljeta 2010. Branislav, Orhan, Mario i Samir su dali oblik tom daru u vidu zvuka. Iz zvuka je izašlo: “Fuck you, I won't do what they tell me!” Mjesec dana kasnije, na prvom nastupu, osjetili su da mnogo ljudi posjeduje isti bijes i da nema boljeg ventila za taj bijes od energije i poruke Rage Against The Machine. Nazvali su se Bulls On Parade što iznova dokazuju energijom i predanošću na svakom nastupu. What better place than here? What better time than now?
Subota 11.11.2017.
Underground Club Sarajevo
“Anger is a gift” – rekao je Zack. Ljeta 2010. Branislav, Orhan, Mario i Samir su dali oblik tom daru u vidu zvuka. Iz zvuka je izašlo: “Fuck you, I won't do what they tell me!” Mjesec dana kasnije, na prvom nastupu, osjetili su da mnogo ljudi posjeduje isti bijes i da nema boljeg ventila za taj bijes od energije i poruke Rage Against The Machine. Nazvali su se Bulls On Parade što iznova dokazuju energijom i predanošću na svakom nastupu. What better place than here? What better time than now?